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  • 博士的塔迪斯被追尾,肇事船居然是泰坦尼克号。原来一家外星旅游公司仿照泰坦尼克号制造了一艘巨大的泰坦尼克号宇宙飞船。但是飞船却连续遭遇不幸:防护罩被毁,装上陨石群,船长死去,服务机器人嗜杀成性……。
  • A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worst for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.
  • Gabriel and his partner Andy adopt a child. But Gabriel has a history and he will need to embark upon a journey of self-discovery and attempt to repair his relationship with his dad before he can truly begin to parent 7-year old Jake.
  • After her son is jailed, a Chinese mother with high expectations struggles to protect her family's remaining reputation by parenting her independent daughter, whom she must seek shelter from in the U.S. with her son's two unmanageable adolescents.
  • 故事背景设定在至高共和国时代末期,一个充满“阴暗秘密与新兴黑暗势力”的世界。受人尊敬的绝地大师Sol(李政宰 饰)同昔日前绝地徒弟Mae(阿曼德拉·斯坦伯格 饰)深入调查绝地武士接连被杀害的真相,他们要面对的势力比预想中更加险恶,更不知不觉间走入黑暗漩涡之中……
  • 八岁那年,凯特琳在灯塔改造的家中发现母亲被谋杀身亡。尽管在动机不明的情况下,凯特琳的父亲克里斯以凶手之名被逮捕,这个不幸让克里斯发狂,也让凯特琳搬离家乡。二十年后,建商买下那栋荒废的灯塔,凯特琳却发现建商陆续失踪,原来,祖父曾经在此留下一个家族秘密,而凯特琳唯有找出真相,才能阻止更多不幸的发生。
  • Hormones shape each and every one of us, affecting almost every aspect of our lives - our height, our weight, our appetites, how we grow and reproduce, and even how we behave and feel.  This documentary tells the wonderful and often weird story of how hormones were discovered.  Presenter John Wass, one the country's le…
  • 本片故事背景设置在19世纪五十年代的英国,Alice Lawson是一档美食节目的主播,也是一位严格自律的妻子。这天晚上,Alice同往常一样结束工作,买好蔬菜准备回家替家人做晚餐,可是不巧遇到了大雨,内心本就不安宁的她陷入了歇斯底里的惶恐中。她临时改变计划,独自一人在酒店过夜,而此时的她并不知道这一决定将彻底改变她的生活。
  • 父亲远在澳大利亚工作,安吉拉下定决心要实现她发自内心的愿望:让家人在圣诞节团聚。
  • 潘多拉,神秘而玄幻的星球,距离地球4.4光年,位于半人马座附近,围绕波吕斐摩斯星运转。它是一颗气体星球,其浓郁的毒气令人类无法居住和生存。但是这颗星球物种丰富,天上地下均为六足生物,除了身形高大的纳美人。纳美人勇猛彪悍,全然不惧天空陆地的各种猛兽,他们是这颗星球当之无愧的主宰者。炫富的雷岩上,有地球极其缺少的超导体,因此…