搜索 Zala

  • <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>  罗伯特·杜斯特(Robert A. Durst)这位纽约的房地产家族后裔在美国新奥尔良被捕。当地执法官员称杜斯特涉嫌15年前发生在洛杉矶的一起谋杀案。<br/>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>  事实上,多年以来杜斯特一直身处舆论的漩涡之中。1982年他的第一任妻子莫名消失,2000年他的密友…
  • The Sixth Bus is a film about a young woman trying to find out how her father disappeared never to be found, during a war in Croatia that stunned Europe and the world. It m.77mi.cc is about a search for identity; simmering beneath this need for resolution. The Sixth Bus is a search for truth in a place where truth is s…
  • 在洛杉矶内城一个破旧的社区里,四名聪明、风趣、机灵的青少年发现他们的毕生友谊因入读高中而面临考验。
  • 独自挣扎HD
      A listless young man, upon learning he is ill, leaves his job, girlfriend and city behind, and ventures alone into the British Columbia interior, bringing his fears and anxieties with him.
  • 威士忌大盗HD
  • 巨人与小精灵的奇幻冒险(普通话版)HD
    Every year, the elves e from his magical world to bring humans a new spring. Tim is a new one this year. Distracted by the attractive sound of the fair, he wanders away from the other elves, being captured by former trapeze artist Samuel, who brings him to Vladimir, owner of a circus who exploits him as a fairground at…
  • 在洛杉矶内城一个破旧的社区里,四名聪明、风趣、机灵的青少年发现他们的毕生友谊因入读高中而面临考验。
  • 孽爱HD
    维嘉(沙鲁克·汗 Shah Rukh Khan 饰)是一位事业有成的青年企业家,一次偶然中,他邂逅了名为西瓦尼(玛杜丽·迪克西特 Madhuri Dixit 饰)美丽空姐,西瓦尼的温柔和善良深深的吸引着维嘉让他坠入了情网,可是,就在维嘉准备去向西瓦尼提亲之时,他发现西瓦尼已经和一个名为阿肖克(迪帕克·提卓瑞 Deepak Tijori 饰)的飞行员携手步…